This past weekend, I got a chance to see Santa Clause. I don't know what the big hoopla is about getting pictures with him, but there was a big line waiting to do that. He looks a lot like Gramps but is much younger looking. Also Gramps has more cushion on his lap than Santa.
I've heard rumors that Santa gives gifts to good boys and girls. Well let me tell you, I've been good all year and when I went to see him I got nothing. What the heck is going on here. Now they tell me that the gifts come on Dec 25. I don't know, but it appears to me that this is some sort of a conspiracy to keep me good and not reward me. This is totally un-American in my book.
For now, I'll abide my time and wait to see what happens come Dec 25. If I don't get gifts then, I know secrets about Santa and I'm not afraid to go to wiki leaks.
So Santa, if you're reading this blog, and I know you are, you have been put on notice.
Merry Christmas Santa (wink wink)